Monday, November 20, 2006

Responding to Rebecca Mead

For class today, we read an article by Rebecca Mead titled "You've Got Blog." What did you think of it?
(Click on the Comments link below)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Blogger is a free tool used for creating new kinds of websites on the internet. Bloggers can also be known as a web blog or blog. You can also use nicknames on these blogs. A blog is a set of links to other websites that comment about those links. When you find a website that attracts you, you formally link it, or in weblog terminology you “blog” it. Most often blogs consist of links to articles that have been missed by a reader, making it more informative. Many bloggers have internet related jobs. Bloggers can relate to each other because of their online jobs. Growth in blogs are due in large part to blogger which was founded by a company called Pyra. Blogs can consist of a variety of information. Blogs can include anything from a personal story to information about a popular topic. With the help of all of the Blog companies, weblogging has become extremely popular. Blogging has led Rebecca Mead to mention a blog about burritos, “It also le me to a site devoted to burritos, where I underwent an online burrito analysis, in which my personality type was diagnosed according to my favorite burrito elements.” This shows how whacky the blogging can actually get, when someone’s personality is compared to burritos.
Russell's group

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogs and the internet can be a good way to meet new people. On page 314 the character of Meg met a man named Jason, who she seemed to develope a crush on. Through her blog and webcam, they were able to talk and see each other. Since she had talked to him and saw his site, she felt as is she already knew him. She told a friend that she "recognized him immediately...he was taller than I thought, but I knew it was him". Meg and Jason went on to develope a relationship, so this proves that blogs and webcams can potentially be a good way to meet new people. Although, if one does this they must do it with caution. With all the new sites out there such as MySpace, Facebook, and Match.Com, strangers can get a lot of information about you that could be used in dangerous ways.

- M
- J
- K
- S

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only good thing about blogs is that it’s a good way to link and share information about the world around us because, as Rebecca meads points out, you can click on one thing and it could lead to something completely different, like a burrito. “Getting blogged by Kottke, or by Meg Hourihan or one of her colleagues at Pyra, is the blog equivalent of having your book featured on Oprah” (mead 312) We found it funny that blogs are an online version equivalent to Oprah’s book club, how the publishing influences online behavior or many. There are many negatives, such as there the personal things that are shared through the use of blogs that many of us would rather the author keep to themselves.

- “Lavani”
- “The Tank”
- “Mrs. Knightly”
- “Nosebleed”
- “The Nicknameless”

6:06 AM  

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